CUSD Against Racism

Student-led organization devoted to combating racism and amplifying BIPOC voices in Capistrano Unified School District



We've collected 800 testimonies of racism from students and 6,000 signatures on our petition. Currently, we have 5 task forces across CUSD high schools.

We worked hand in hand with CUSD to produce a 3 Year Action Plan that describes how CUSD plans to address systemic racism within its school sites.

We co-hosted and organized a Lantern Festival of Hope to spread awareness around Anti-Asian sentiments in our community.

We released a petition calling for a statement from CUSD condemning the insurrection at the Capitol, as well as investigate an involved teacher, and have collected over 6,000 signatures.

In the Spring of 2021, CUSD introduced a five unit ethnic studies pilot course into general through the online platform Apex. Junior and senior students at all high schools across the district are taking the course currently and are offering feedback on how to improve the course before implementation.

( Made with Carrd )